Production Blog: Finally coming together

I’m tired. Hi fans! Back at it again with another blog yay.Through this journey I have definitely learned a lot of lessons and skills. I’ve leaned to keep my phone charge, research before taking action, look at examples and how to edit and plan ahead. This won’t be my last timing talking to you guys but it will be my last time talking about my commercial. Next blog, drum roll please….. YOULL WATCH MY COMMERCIAL!Im so excited. Through all the editing and days spent, it was definitely difficult but a lesson. My final times editing the commercial, I just tweaked up some special effects. I added transitions per photo,made sure the music aligned, and added some color over the filters. In doing this, my commercial looks well planned and put together. 

Here’s a sneak peak of the first picture used. I might change it if last minute I find a better one.  

Tada! If I haven’t mentioned before, I LOVE stuffed animals. I still sleep surrounded by them all over my bed and room. So this picture was definitely needed. I also added captions for the photos needing a explanation or even just a reminder for what I told you guys I love. For example the beach, I added a caption of I❤️🌊. Okay enough of the spoilers. I’ll be back soon so you guys can get a sneak peak of my life! Bye fans see you soon.


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