
Showing posts from November, 2023

CCR How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? Hey everyone. My Music video was based on  a Toxic Trio. The music being Stitches by Shawn Mendez. During the Research Blog, my group and I researched the typical convention of Pop Music since that was our genre interest. Pop was what we related most too since it’s what most of us, Amaya, Zoe and Jenna, listened to. Each Pop music video consisted of vibrant colors and effects, multiple changing shots, and typically, either a sad or romance story. We followed the conventions by adding dramatic color, implementing Split-Screen shots and a “sad” story then ended happily.The editing definitely took time since my group and I had to do further research into investigating how exactly to edit film. Our best tips were found on Tik Tok and Youtube. This video would fall into the social issue of bullying or the

Music Video

Hope you enjoy!!

Production Blog: Last touches

 HEY BLOGG!! Okay so I’m really excited to say this is my last blog about the music video. Last time I was here I spoke about how my group and I all did research on how to edit. The videos and tik toks really payed off because we’re PROS. Jenna is more of a pro than the rest of us but it’s okay. We didn’t want jenna doing it alone so we all decided to meet up at the best place for homework.Starbucks Of course. Jenna picked me up, Amaya picked up Zoe and we all got our favorite starbucks drinks. Personally I wish i was rich to try to whole christmas menu but I just got a refresher☹️ Anyways we sat and to be honest, we completely lost track of time and didn’t start to edit till 30 minutes in. We forgot and we’re just all talking and laughing while our computers were staring at us to sign in. Then we FINALLY started and got to work. I was in charge of getting all the key information in the videos we sent in the group chat. Amaya and zoe were in charge of the editing format and the timing