• How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

    Hey everyone. My Music video was based on  a Toxic Trio. The music being Stitches by Shawn Mendez. During the Research Blog, my group and I researched the typical convention of Pop Music since that was our genre interest. Pop was what we related most too since it’s what most of us, Amaya, Zoe and Jenna, listened to. Each Pop music video consisted of vibrant colors and effects, multiple changing shots, and typically, either a sad or romance story. We followed the conventions by adding dramatic color, implementing Split-Screen shots and a “sad” story then ended happily.The editing definitely took time since my group and I had to do further research into investigating how exactly to edit film. Our best tips were found on Tik Tok and Youtube. This video would fall into the social issue of bullying or the social group of Peer groups. The main issue is having bad friends and being mistreated by them which is why bullying by peer Group makes sense. 

    • How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

    My product engages with the specific audience of those who can relate to having bad friends. Instead of it being a sob story, the video was made to have humor since powers are included. In the Music Video, a girl who played the role of the friend being mistreated, gets tossed around in the ocean by the 2 mean friends using powers. Most Pop music videos are typically just dancing and breakups. So when comparing our Pop Music video to others, I would consider ours special. If this project was a professional video, our best bet would be to release on Youtube for starters, then to the #2 most used app, Tik Tok. Both of these apps allow audiences to gain easy access to this Music Video.

    • How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

    I would definitely say my production skills from the start of this project to the end, are drastically different. Considering this was my first time creating and actually filming a Music video, it took a lot of planning and research when just coming up with the idea. My team and I were all blank when thinking of ideas. I was the one who came up with the idea of being pushed around in the beach since I have a deep passion and love for the beach and my friends as well. Although Florida weather forced us to make some changes as to how the characters would be positioned, it still worked out. I was the one with full understanding of the idea so it was my job to explain it and write it out as clear as possible for my teammates. This process made us all realize that every detail matters and has a meaning behind it. After filming and paying attention to what clips stop at what timing, posting the video was a whole other deal. Posting it on Youtube to the public then transferring it to Blogger was the best choice. 

    • How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

    Considering NONE of us in my group are filmers, vloggers or anything of that sort, we used Jenna’s Iphone 14 Pro max to record this film .She had the best camera closest to an actual recording Camcorder thanks to Apple technology. When posting blogs to update the process of the projects we receive, Blogger was the best option. It’s easily connected to our emails, super easy to access since it’s connected to google, and our school can also connect to it, more specifically our Media Studies Teacher. Since neither of us in my group are professional editors, YET, Capcut and I-Movie were both used to edit, implement our song of choice, position the formatting of our shots and finally, combine everything into one singular working Music video. 


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