Production Blog: Helping Jenna

 HEY FANSS!! Im back with another blog about my music video. So at this point we finished filming at the beach and Amayas house . Once we finished the video we all thought we were done till we forgot we had to edit and put it all together. Before we actually did research on our editing and figuring out how to work it on apps, I helped Jenna do research. I went on tik tok of course and searched how to do split screen on cap cut. Cap Cut was the main app we used to format everything then trim and cut. I had to search up editing tips, things not do to, and the best short cuts on how to put it all together. During this process, my iphone storage was suffering. It was full of videos with tips on how to edit. This was jenna’s first time so of course it didn’t come out 100% but it’s okay it still looks good. The more projects we get, the more we’ll improve. At this point jenna had every tip created on how to be a pro editor thanks to me, Zoe, and Amaya. We all filled the our group chat with tik toks and youtube videos. We were all in this together because we know it’ll be hard. We decided since me, Zoe and Amaya appeared in the video, that means jenna would be the main editor since she filmed . This ensured everybody had a role for the music video. We all have our inputs on how we thing the shots should be timed and the lighting to match the song theme. Once this was completed we picked a day during school that we could all sit and help Jenna edit. I have to sleep now I have school tomorrow. BYE FANS!


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