Production Blog: Getting better at editing

 Back at it again! Hey fans, you already know what i’m going to be talking about again. This time I made sure my phone was FULLY charged before I had to restart. Honestly I think my phone dying was a blessing. It made me realize smaller details that would improve my commercial. For example my transitioning between each picture and video is way more smooth. Smooth meaning it looks a lot more put together. It gave me extra time to think about how I would form Text Boxes and where to put them. This commercial is about me and how I input my own personality into media. To better it, I decided to download more during apps. With these apps I put a filter on the pictures and videos to give it more of a “past vibe”. The new images and videos are more clear and look brand new since it’s the most recent point of my life .Of course The app process took forever. I have 0 storage on my phone so I had to keep deleted and redownload apps just to duplicate the pictures and have them looked all filtered out. Most apps now a days require money spent just to add some spice to a picture. 

So again I had researched photo editing on Tik Tok that’s recommended, and free.The filters I wanted the most costed money even with majority of it being free. Of course the best is the most expensive. But it’s okay i’m a highschool student on a budget. I have to go now it’s time for bed so I don’t miss my bus tomorrow. Bye fans!


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