
 Hey Fans! I hope you guys liked my commercial. This time i’ll be talking about the reflection of my blog. During this project I learned how to use CapCut. Cap Cut makes it easier to edit, input songs and create edits of videos where there’s special effects and colors to make it look “magical”. This commercial gave me the chance to learn the ways of a editor. Im ready and prepared for more to come. I also learned to have time management because anything can go wrong. Organizing ahead of time and planning is definitely the way to go. My phone died during my process, I kept messing up and had to restart, plus this is my first time. This was difficult. Organizing ahead of time gives you room to make mistakes and not go past the deadline of assignments. At the end as you guys can see I changed the Photo cover. I decided to change it because I didn’t want you guys having any spoilers. I tricked you!I finalized the captions of “All About Mia” and added some extra filter to give it the “film” look. This assignment was fun and I learned a lot of lessons .My next assignment i’ll definitely be way more prepared and hope to make it way more professional. i’m excited for what’s next to come. This was the actual cover picture if you forgot already! It’s at the very top duh. Bye fans! See you soon.


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