Research and Planning


 Hey guys i’m back like I said I would be.The picture above is the cover of my selected song for my commercial video. This blog is going to be about by reasons for my pictures, videos and of course like I said, the song. As you guys already know, I LOVE love love the beach so obviously there’s going to be pictures of the beach but more specifically, little Mia at the beach. This shows my love for the beach ever since I was little and it’s my parents fault. I also mentioned my siblings so what’s also going to be in the commercial is my siblings and I at the beach of course. But I have a specific plan for the process of my picture order. My Commercial will be a sequence of pictures and videos of me as I got older, more so, how I grew and changed as a person. Each individual captured video and picture of me will show my true self. Not just pictures or videos of my smiling w since i’m on camera, but specifically candid recordings of myself where it’s unexpected and captures the moment. Doing this makes it special for myself because not only are you watching me grow, but I am as well the moment I play the commercial to watch. So in summary since I already spoiled what’s going to be in the commercial, it will be about me growing up, my love for the beach, my siblings and family, and of course my dogs. My song choice plays a role of not only one of the types of genre I like to listen to, but represents me as a person. The beats, the instruments, the part of the song being played all shows the way I felt not only in these moments, but in the present as well. The difficult part of this commercial process is retrieving everything I need. That means i have to text friends, and my parents. I would be able to use ones I already have on my phone but that would only be pictures i’ve took and would erase the purpose of my genuine, candid commercial of myself. So right after I close out this blog, i’m going to annoy all my close friends and family just to make everything how I plan to. I’ll be back soon and you’ll watch what i’ve created I promise. Bye Fans see you soon!


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