Production Blog: Still suffering

 Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog. So just a reminder my group and I are still in the process of getting our music video together. So far nothing has changed, we’re all always busy. I was free and so was jenna but Zoe and Amaya had work. Even if they went to work at 5, I understand them not wanting to film because going from school, to filming, to work, that’s tiring. If I was in their position I would say no too. It’s okay though, I know some groups that haven’t even filmed at all. Other groups filmed everything easily but their story was a little more simple compared to ours. My music video consist of actually going to the beach that’s 20 minutes away and having to find parking. As well as convincing our parents since we’re still kids of course.We still have time and we have the first section done as I said in my last blog. Now all we have to do is GO TO THE BEACH!Fun. Only thing is the weather is getting colder and it’s been really windy so hopefully the day we film it calms down a bit. I don’t want to spoil but I will anyway, out of the 4 in my group, IM THE ONE SOAKED. I will be the only one actually in the ocean. So filming on a cold day doesn’t matter to my group mates as much as me but it’s okay. We still have time and i’m sure we’ll get it done soon. Usually the day we film is the day it wasn’t planned at all and we’re all in the worst possible clothes to film. It’s always funny anyway though we get to hang out after school. With that being said. BYE FANS!! I’ll see you all soon. 


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