Production Blog: Tossing and Turning In the Ocean


Hey FANS!! As you can see from the picture above this, WE FILMED THE BEACH. It was a lot harder than we thought.It wasn’t even planned to film this day since we were at school talking about media then realized today none of us were busy so we decided to film THAT DAY. And it just so happened that day was so cold and windy so I was definitely not excited. We left off where Zoe and Amaya are changing and we continued to film where we’re all in the car. After filming which was really funny since I couldn’t kick them out so I can act sad, we walked to the beach. The weather is we HORRIBLE. It was so so windy, and the waves were so bad. There was a red flag that describes the state of the ocean and it was obvious why. Not only that, we only had an hour to be done because Zoe needed to be home by 7. We’re 20 minutes away from Amayas house, then need to drive to Zoe’s house another 20. So in reality, only 20 minutes to film. This meant NO RETAKES. Every shot had to be done on the first try and maybe a couple retakes because the ocean was really not helping. I was throwing myself in the cold, harsh ocean while amaya and zoe stayed dry. Not fair. Jenna stayed dry too since she’s filming everything and getting every right angle. Moral of story, I was in the worst shape getting out of the water since I kept my shorts on and everything. It is possible that we might have to redo some takes since not everything since not everything was as perfect as we expected. But it’s fine (not really, I don’t wanna throw myself in THAT water again). I have to get to work. BYE FANS!


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