Genre Research Blog

 One genre we thought of was a mystery.

Common camera angles in your genre (CAMS) camera angles, movement, shots

Common camera angles used in a mystery video would be close ups to show the facial expression of the actors, extreme close ups to emphasize the thing shown like a prop, over the shoulder shot to give a dark feeling and POV shot may be used to give another perspective of what the actor is seeing.

Common Mis-En-Scene in your genre (CLAMPS) Mis-En-scene

Common CLAMPS found in a mystery blog are costumes that fit into a mystery are dark colored clothes.

The lighting is usually dark to create a mysterious sense and the acting is a fear or scared feeling.

Makeup, props and the setting depends on the video

Common editing used in this genre are jump-cuts, reverse shots, and fade outs. Common sound used is dialogue, diegetic and non diegetic sound. An example of a mystery film I like is The Black Swan.

Some elements of the mystery genre that don't appeal is an event not being explained to create suspense and questions.

One angle we thought of was Horror!
Common camera angles used in horror videos/movies would be high-angles often used to make characters appear vulnerable, low-angle to make characters look more dominant (often the bad one), Dutch angles are also used to create a sense of imbalance and close-ups are used to show fear on someone’s eyes or show a curvature smile.
Common mis-en-scene in horror films are a dark setting in a rural location away from everyone, props often used are weapons such as knives, axes and chainsaws that would create a painful death, Black, red, grey and brown would all be colours considered for a horror film as they all signify danger and tragedy, most people (mainly victims) in horror films look like the are dressed casually but a lot of effort is put into their outfits to show hints of their role and personality in the movie, the weaker characters in the frame are the ones who are opposite the camera on the floor showing how positioning affects how the film is and finally facial expressions used in Horror films would be those of fright and terror as the whole purpose of a horror is to entertain through fear
Common editing strategies in horror are cuts to build pace quickly, they are usually used to get from one shot to the next rapidly, with no transitions in between the two shots. These are mainly used in action or thriller trailers to create suspense and are sometimes implemented into horror trailer, like Sinister, at the end of the trailer to build to the climax, normally featuring a jumpscare. Another transition that is frequently used, especially in horror films, is the fade to black. It is mainly used at the start of a trailer to help narrate the story at a slow pace so that tension can be built from the off
Example of horror films: A nightmare on Elm street, Halloween and Psycho
If I were to use this genre, I would definitely implement easy things to accomplish at home. This things can be lightning, camera angles and mis-en-scene that can be motified instead of spending money. Lighthing can be achieved by using led lights on closing windows and using flash lights. The camera angles would be achieved by the camera man which is also really easy and free. We could also edit a certain way or edit in sounds to make it fit into the horror genre. 
One element that doesn't appeal to me is the props and acting skills necessary. For the props, it would have to be somethibg that can create a quick death like a knive which is a safety concern for me. The acting skills its also concerning due to the fact that if you don't have a good acting "face" it would be hard to be scary. This elements dont appeal but i'm sure can be achieved easily be achieved.

Common camera angles are low angle shots are often used in thriller genre videos to emphasize the power dynamics between characters and to heighten the sense of impending danger. Point-of-view shots and over-the-shoulder shots are crucial techniques for creating tension, drawing the viewer into the characters' experiences, and boosting the excitement of the story.

 common Mis-en scene in Thriller videos often feature characters in common costumes such as dark, mysterious attire or disguises, creating an atmosphere of suspense and intrigue. Lighting in thrillers tends to be strategically used, employing shadows and contrast to intensify the suspense, with occasional bursts of dramatic lighting to heighten pivotal moments and evoke a sense of unease.

Common editing techniques in thriller videos include fast-paced cuts and quick transitions to build tension and maintain a sense of urgency. Additionally, the use of jump cuts and unconventional camera angles contributes to a disorienting atmosphere, enhancing the overall suspense and unpredictability of the narrative.

Thriller videos often utilize tense and suspenseful soundscapes, incorporating ominous music, eerie ambient sounds, and sudden, sharp sound effects to create a sense of unease. The strategic use of silence can also be a powerful tool, heightening anticipation and making impactful moments more jarring in the audio landscape of a thriller.

Example films: Sound of freedom, Nowhere, and Five nights at freddy's

I like that this Genre because it is very suspenseful and keeps me intrigued.

I don't like that thriller videos are  excessive violence, gratuitous gore, or explicit content to be elements of thriller videos that they dislike.

We choose Mystery as our genre because it relates the best to our pitch. Nothing about our pitch is horror like which would be the only other option in our case. If we were to make an entire movie out of this project in my mind I image the rest being a mystery which you will understand more as you read our blogs. Since this is the opening of a movie its the being and the rest would be like a trying to find her mother. Mystery makes the most sense because the girl is curious on how her mother is alive.


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