Group Blog

 Hey guys welcome back to another blog. This time i'll be informing you a little more about the whole music video set up because i don't wanna spoil much yet. Okay so first let me re-introduce to my group.

(3 girls to the right infront of the guy)

Zoe and Jenna. For the past assignments we worked with Amaya but she said she rather work alone because apparently she said we were giving her a hard time. In my opinion, she got an easy grade because she was always busy and saying she doesn’t have time to do it since she’s with her boyfriend. But whatever. We're all working together for the rest of the year. I was happy they have the class too but not only for this . I chose them since they're one of the most reliable people I know. If anything was more reliable than me if i'm being honest. Each have their own percs. Zoe is great at time management so she'll be making sure we don't submit anything late or film last minute. Jenna not only has a car, but she knows spots all around Fort lauderdale for us to film and have multiple scenes. Of course me, even though I just learned editing, I do it the best (i'm not being cocky I swear). So thanks to this we all work well as a group and don't clash which will help with other projects as well. Since it is a final task video there's a  story line of course. But so far we have no clue what we’re going to be doing. This is bad I know.  We don't have a set plan so thanks to zoe it's okay if we chose to change our mind  because we'll still have time to set everything up again. Right now it’s mid terms crunch time so we’re all always super busy.  We'll have everything planned 100% soon. Goodnight blog see you sOOn.


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