Intro Blog

 Hey fans!Back at it again with another intro blog incase you guys forgot. I'm really proud of myself for the making of my Music video so now i’m prepared for the next big project I have. I hope you guys liked it too it definitely took time like I said. I'm excited to tell you all about what’s coming up. A a NEW video coming soon, but it's not a commercial. It's a FINAL TASK VIDEO???.I think this is going to be way harder I’m not sure if i’m ready. But thanks to my new skills I’m prepared.It will take way longer and be a lot harder of course. It's okay because this assignment will test my Editing and planning skills to the max since thats the main point. Of course when you hear final task , it's exactly what you think it is.A FINAL TASK to test everything i’ve done so far. Which means, a lot of work. I record a story line but the main objective is to provide the credits at the begin and the end.This is hard because it’s not a short 1 min video, it’s 2 minutes. So everything needs to be perfect or else it’s obvious that it wasn’t done well. Okay this blog is not about is not about the project for now, i'll be reminding you guys a little more about myself. Of course I love the beach as you guys clearly know however I doubt there will be any scenes out door. I’m thinking of just doing a something me and my team will find fun and just going off of that, no powers…


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