Title Research : Watch the Titles Website

 HEY GUYS!Happy New year and Merry christmas I know it’s been a while. I’m here to tel you all which website I chose. Now the moment you have all been waiting for I chose the website www.artofthetitle.com. After I examined this website and another one I came to the conclusion that art of the title was the easiest to navigate. I instantly went in and searched up exactly what i need to complete future tasks and it all popped up. In the top right corner of the home page there is a search bar where i typed in exactly what I needed. I typed in my genre and multiple options I could research popped up. On the the other website I typed in the search bar my genre and nothing popped up. So maybe I have to word the question different but on the other website it popped up instantly which makes it easier in my opinion.  I hope you enjoyed it, and this is Jenna signing out. See you next time on the blog.


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