Production Blog: Disagreements are normal

 Hey fans! Back at it again with another Blog. So of course this process has been very long. Like I mean very very very long, I would say a good month. It’s still not completely done but me Zoe and Jenna all have ideas . I would say it’s okay to not agree which is the title of this blog, which I would say is the hardest. When working in a group it’s good to try and make everyone happy so everyone has a little part on what is going on ,but all of our ideas are different which is so funny. We all have different ideas on what to do with one shot we need to redo again. I say a point of view shot, Jenna says an establishing shot and zoe doesn’t want the box being placed on the floor a scene at all. She prefers it to just be a shadow or a knock in the background. What are we going to agree on, I have no idea. We still have time which is okay. Not only that but when it comes to coloring the entire video because I had an idea of putting a faint color on the scenes depending on the mood of the character. So if she’s sad, a faint blue or confused a faint green. They think it’s a good idea but we all have so many ideas we not to see happen and it’s not working. It’s definitely a little stressful but nothing too serious because it’s funny. It’s good to be in a group with people who are respectful no matter the circumstances. It’s also good to be serious when needed but in this case it’s hard for us to be serious since we’re yelling and laughing at the same time. I’m trying to figure out how to combine all of our ideas but nothint is working. However i’m sure we’ll figure it out soon, HOPEFULLY. Anyways, Bye fans I just wanted to tell you our funny struggles so far!


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