Production Blog: Editing pt2

 Hey Fans! Back at it again with another blog. Okay so last blog I told you guys that we had to redo some shots since we wanted to incorporate more perspectives on how the audience would see the final task mini story. Honestly, im kind of suprised jenna isnt tired of editing but then again, thats the reason why me and zoe wanted to be partnered up with her. If you guys remember, I had another teammate but she wanted to work alone for this one. Jenna edits since she prefers filming and editing compared to acting, and me and Zoe dont mind acting so it works out for the best. Again during lunch, me Jenna and zoe got together, laughed at the retakes and combined all the shots to make the video. The main worry about our video is the cresidentials. For example when the production company comes up, we still havent thought of what the group would be called and who has one cresidential. But I did already show and remind you guys the way the cresidential and the font is going to look. To give a spooky look basically. The full names we have to implement is Mia Hoepelman (Me), Jena Antonelli ( The filmer) and Zoe Reyes (The actor) just like me. WAIT I never told you guys the title of our video. Its called, The Call. Its very simple and doesnt provide much detail so it gives the sense of mystery. (14). Im not too sure what Jenna wants to do because she does wanna take control over this one even though me and Zoe gave suggestion. However im sure itll just be like, instead of a group name, it would be our own indivisual names. So for the cresidentials like production company, it would be ' Jenna Antonelli' for the important roles. (17) Anyway guys I know  I always say im tired but I am. ITS ALMOST MIDNIGHT. Okay guys Goodnight and BYE FANS!!!


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