Production Blog: Finally filmed

Here’s a clip of me and Zoe in action!

 HEY fans! Back at it again with another blog. I have good news as you can tell from the title. WE FILMED, finally. After me saying my group and I was too busy, that weekend on sunday, me Jenna and Zoe were free. We each just had errands in the morning but then we got together, Jenna has the car so of course she picked Zoe and I up since we live close together. Jenna got us and we got Chipotle OF course, its the best fast food ever created in the whole world. We drove back to Jenna house and got straight to it since we only had 3 hours to film. 3 hours is not enough at all, Zoe's mom wanted her home by 5 and we started at 1, with the drive back being 20 minutes because of traffic and rush hour. Me and Zoe decided that I was the mom and she was the daughter. IM NOT going to spoil it, but I think we did good. Filming was definitely an easy process since this story isn't as hard as the Music Video idea that I put together.Okay maybe i might spoil it, so far they wanted me in a bonnet but I COMPLETLY forgot to bring it since it would be a prop to disguish the 'mom' character.Zoe just wore a long sleeve semi short short and pajama pants with crocs since thats the average teenage look, especially in school im currently in a sweater sweats and crocs. After we got the main parts the funniest part of our film, was me pretending to be the dad. Of course I didnt show in the camera but it was a far faded voice of a guy, AKA me, yelling at the daughter who was AKA, Zoe. Jenna definetly had a laugh while hearing us and watching us trying not to laugh. Majority of our shots took multiple tries since its hard for us to be serious.Anyways AGAIN, I have so much work to catch up with guys. BYE FANS!!!! Have an amazing day


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