Production Blog: Junior year is our busy year

Here’s my entire February schedule for school work. And that’s me checking how long until my math test is due of course.  

 Hey fans! Back at it again I KNOW its been actually a long time. So let me update you guys first, everyone's busy. This year is my junior year which is stated 'the worst year', whoever said that wasn't lying. So, the idea of this Final Task, since the music video I came up with the MAIN story, this time my partner, Jenna, wanted to be the creator of the story. She put together a Mystery short clip of mother escaping a toxic family and later coming back to take the daughter with her. I'm not too proud about it but I'm sure my group and I will work it out well. With groups, you have to be calm and not cause issues even when something may not go your way. SO, the plan out is to have Zoe and I to be the main actors and Jenna can film again, she loves being behind the camera watching it happen. Me and Zoe haven't figured out who's the daughter and who's the mom but deep down I hope she chooses the daughter. But at the end of the day, I'm okay with whatever. However, the main issue isn't the story, it's the cresidentials. Applying the credits in places that make sense. In the blog I posted before this, I showed you guys how the credits will look. So, for example, the SPOOKY letters that give a feeling of mystery and maybe a little horror. Were all excited to see the final product but first we need to actually record. Like I said in the beginning, junior year is the busiest year. We all keep trying to agree on at least ONE day to try and film the intro or something. Its not going so well. When one of us is free the two of us, someone is either busy with work or homework or just needing to study for all the tests. I think Florida over tests us to the max but I mean, I'm sure college is worse. But yeah, that's our struggle one again, making plans to try and film at least once. The Bells about to ring so I have to go guys. BYEE!


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