Production Blog: ITS READDYY

 HEY GUYS!!! I’m so excited to finally say these words. ITS DONE.After all this struggle,disagreements, editing and mess ups, WERE DONE. Last blog I talked you guys about how I was editing and we still need to figure out the credentials. Last week my group and I got together again after school. Of course we had to get food so guess what we got, CHIPOTLE. Best food in the whole world I had to say it again. Okay so after that we finally all sat down and stared at Jennas, Not knowing where to start, we just started to say our ideas. We decided to have the credentials going throughout video and we also came up with our production name and all that. JMZ duhhhh. But yeah that was pretty much our biggest set back and of course one of the most important parts and we finally figured it out. I’m honestly so excited to finally use everything I know and me and my team being able to embed it into once video. Although i’m not looking to major into film, this was definitely like a mini job of a film maker, being able to practice and “act” like i’m making my own movie.I would definitely consider taking A level next year to better myself when it comes to editing and filming because it’s so fun. However this year is my last year of cambridge since I get the diploma and I rather focus on Ap classes .Anyways guys it’s getting late. YOU WILL SEE THE VIDEO IN MY NEXT BLOG SO STAY TUNED. I hope you guys have a great night i’m half asleep talking to y’all. GOODNIGHT AND PEACE OUTTT.


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