AICE Media Final Task CCR Question 1 and 2

Question 1 CCR Transcript

Hey guys so this my dog taking away my sock for what ever reason, but I will be doing my CCR on my final task project. I have to have my dog holding the phone above me because my phone just broke, I just accidentally broke it. So  I Currently just got home from school and I will be making my dog some people food hes been super behaved, he’s a puppy by the way. I’m feeding him 1 egg and oats since it’s perfect for helping them grow so this will definitely help his bones get strong. The first question is   “How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?” So with this, my genre was mystery. I use the typical conventions of mystery elements like family dynamics and the classical suspense shots. Some examples are, im not really a good cook but its okay, so as you can see with the concept of the  Over-the-Shoulder shots as you can see here. The context behind this was to keep viewers on edge since the mom “which was the role I played” is shown on a car watching the daughter walk home. Since I was playing the role of the mom, With the prop of a hoodie behind placed over my head and the angle being behind me preventing the face from being seen, it gives the viewers a feeling of anticipation on knowing who it is. Close-Ups and constant tracking shots help to get into the viewers head and immerse them in the film. As well as giving the idea that the character is being followed. However this task also challenges conventions considering it’s not filmed in a typical dark scenery or abandon, eerie places or a puzzle/ crime being solved. It was done in a basic house and daylight outside since one of my group mates wasn’t allowed to be out dark dark. So with this I incorporated color effects to make the quality darker and imply an intense feeling. Next with social groups that the product my team and I made represents teens and anyone  who felt impacts of family struggle or divorce at home.It allows helps private moments to be seen and for others to relate, which gives a voice to those experiences. 

Question 2 CCR Transcript

So the next question is,  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text, So I would say my film definitely targets teens but it can also touch upon adults and elderly, pretty much anyone who relates to the topic of toxic households or wanting to escape what was experienced.My production company JMZ would also distribute this film through many social Media platforms like Youtube, Tik tok, instagram and also twitter. Normally teenagers and anyone with a phone basically is more inclined to having these apps on their phone since it is a trend and they’re also used to communicate with others.Technology is advancing and information spreads faster by the day, so these platforms will definitely give a viewer boost to my film. So now its time to feed my dog this egg. Giiving my dog this, this is my dog here we are. So now he will eat


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