
Showing posts from September, 2023


 Hey Fans! I hope you guys liked my commercial. This time i’ll be talking about the reflection of my blog. During this project I learned how to use CapCut. Cap Cut makes it easier to edit, input songs and create edits of videos where there’s special effects and colors to make it look “magical”. This commercial gave me the chance to learn the ways of a editor. Im ready and prepared for more to come. I also learned to have time management because anything can go wrong. Organizing ahead of time and planning is definitely the way to go. My phone died during my process, I kept messing up and had to restart, plus this is my first time. This was difficult. Organizing ahead of time gives you room to make mistakes and not go past the deadline of assignments. At the end as you guys can see I changed the Photo cover. I decided to change it because I didn’t want you guys having any spoilers. I tricked you!I finalized the captions of “All About Mia” and added some extra filter to give it the “film”


The video we’ve all been waiting for!

Production Blog: Finally coming together

I’m tired. Hi fans! Back at it again with another blog yay.Through this journey I have definitely learned a lot of lessons and skills. I’ve leaned to keep my phone charge, research before taking action, look at examples and how to edit and plan ahead. This won’t be my last timing talking to you guys but it will be my last time talking about my commercial. Next blog, drum roll please….. YOULL WATCH MY COMMERCIAL!Im so excited. Through all the editing and days spent, it was definitely difficult but a lesson. My final times editing the commercial, I just tweaked up some special effects. I added transitions per photo,made sure the music aligned, and added some color over the filters. In doing this, my commercial looks well planned and put together.  Here’s a sneak peak of the first picture used. I might change it if last minute I find a better one.   Tada! If I haven’t mentioned before, I LOVE stuffed animals. I still sleep surrounded by them all over my bed and room. So this picture was d

Production Blog: Getting better at editing

 Back at it again! Hey fans, you already know what i’m going to be talking about again. This time I made sure my phone was FULLY charged before I had to restart. Honestly I think my phone dying was a blessing. It made me realize smaller details that would improve my commercial. For example my transitioning between each picture and video is way more smooth. Smooth meaning it looks a lot more put together. It gave me extra time to think about how I would form Text Boxes and where to put them. This commercial is about me and how I input my own personality into media. To better it, I decided to download more during apps. With these apps I put a filter on the pictures and videos to give it more of a “past vibe”. The new images and videos are more clear and look brand new since it’s the most recent point of my life .Of course The app process took forever. I have 0 storage on my phone so I had to keep deleted and redownload apps just to duplicate the pictures and have them looked all filtered

Production blog: Figuring out how to actually edit

 Back at it again.Hey guys!Here again like I said I would be.This process is a lot harder than I thought since im still not done with the commercial I made for you all. First off, the editing is insane. Starting off with a baby picture of myself then moving it to ANOTHER picture of me just a tad bit older. It’s not as easy as it sounds. I had to trim the timing of each picture, and implement a transition. The transition is important so it spices it up. I’m in control so why have it all boring.As I put in each picture after a new transition i got to the mini video parts that I’m putting in. The videos was the worst. When it came to trimming the timing, I had to decide which section of the video was the most important. To me it was all of it but I HAVE to trim it to keep something new constantly showing up.Guess what. As I was getting close to finishing after all the work I put in, my phone died. CAPCUT DOESNT AUTOMATICALLY SAVE.  At least not for me in that moment. My phone died. So I h

Production Blog: CapCut is the best

 Hey guys!Back at it again with another Blog. I know last blog I talked about the making and reasoning for my commercial plan. This time ill be letting you know how each picture  and video will be placed into one recording.  First, like I said, each photograph will present my upbringing.Now my struggles on putting it all together will be said. First I had to ask each one of my friends if they’ve used any editing apps for videos specifically since I didn’t know any, of course they didn’t know either. So my next step was to go to the famous app, Tik Tok. Tik tok is full of edited videos and transition videos. So I searched up best Editing apps and a whole bunch came up but there was one that was constantly mentioned, Capcut.  What was good is that capcut was also connected to Tik tok so I was able to watch transition videos made on tge app that were being presented on tik tok, I know that sounds confusing. So I went and downloaded the app on my phone and found so many saved templetes I c

Research and Planning

                 Hey guys i’m back like I said I would be.The picture above is the cover of my selected song for my commercial video. This blog is going to be about by reasons for my pictures, videos and of course like I said, the song. As you guys already know, I LOVE love love the beach so obviously there’s going to be pictures of the beach but more specifically, little Mia at the beach. This shows my love for the beach ever since I was little and it’s my parents fault. I also mentioned my siblings so what’s also going to be in the commercial is my siblings and I at the beach of course. But I have a specific plan for the process of my picture order. My Commercial will be a sequence of pictures and videos of me as I got older, more so, how I grew and changed as a person. Each individual captured video and picture of me will show my true self. Not just pictures or videos of my smiling w since i’m on camera, but specifically candid recordings of myself where it’s unexpected and captures

Hi Fans

 Hi Blog, this is my very first blog I have ever made so lets get started. First off, Im Mia Hoepelman and I am 16 years old in my Junior year. Starting off with the basics, I LOVE food, my 2 dogs named fluffy and tigra. We named her Tigra because her breed is a Boxer Brindle and they're known for having stripes, fluffy was named because he is literally a ball of hair. My favorite hobbies is the usual stuff, going out with friends and going out to eat with friends and family. I would have to say my #1 favorite above food and dogs has to be the beach. I was born in Miami and grew up there till I was about 9 since I moved to hollywood randomly. Me and my family would always take the drive to the beach and go almost every weekend, my parents loved the beach and pretty much thats where I always was. When I moved to Hollywood, we moved into a Beach apartment with the best view and it was perfect. Since me moving to Fort Lauderdale, I always go to the beach at least every weekend. During